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Elementary school

Preparing students for success

Kindergarten-5th Grade


FCA's Elementary School focuses on creating a warm, loving environment where students can excel academically! We pride ourselves on our fun and vibrant classrooms where learning is active and engaging! 



Small class sizes allow for teachers to have more connections with individual students. Kindergarten through 3rd grade classes have a maximum student to teacher ratio of 15:1 and 4th through 5th grade have a maximum student to teacher ratio of 17:1. 



Every subject is taught every single day. Mathematics time is extended to 1.5 hours in the morning to challenge students and build strong mathematics knowledge. FCA participates in the Accelerated Reader program in order to promote literacy and reading comprehension. 


Above grade-level expectations are an essential part of our Philosophy of Education. Students are given the Stanford 10 in the Fall and Spring to track academic growth. 


FCA follows Florida State Benchmarks while simultaneously incorporating a Christ-centered curriculum.



Mathematics-Scott Foresman

Reading-Open Court

Science-Scott Foresman

Social Studies-Pearson and Abeka

Bible-Old & New Testament



We value family time and extracurricular activities and that is why homework is OPTIONAL at FCA so students and families can focus on what matters most. Students who choose to complete homework are rewarded. In addition, projects are completed during school hours! 



Events and programs such as our annual Science Expo, Scholastic Book Fairs, Tropicana Speech Contest, Disney Dreamers and Doers and field trips extend student learning and showcase skills learned in the classroom!



Foreign Language, Computers, Recess and Physical Education are a valued component to our curriculum.

Students have the opportunity to participate in clubs such as: Art, Science, Video Games, Sports, and Sweet Treats.



Daily devotions, a Christ-centered curriculum, Bible class, weekly chapels and monthly student-led chapels keep students centered around God's Word! 


FCA partners with organizations like The, a non-profit organization that ministers to the people of Nicaraugua and Haiti, to fufill The Great Commission.

Annual mission trips to Haiti provide a global perspective and fosters a desire to love others. FCA has donated over 1,000 shoeboxes to the children of Haiti since 2016! 


For more information on The and how you can be a part of the work being accomplished in Haiti, click here. 


FCA also partners with Genesis Church to expand our reach! Yearly trips to Brazil, Jamaica and Atlanta, Georgia provides more opportunities for students to reach others for Christ. For more information about Genesis Church, click here.


Not only is it our desire to go out into all the nations to spread The Good News, but we are committed to reaching our local community! Partnerships with organizations such as Straight Street, an organization founded in 2009 and dedicated to feeding the homeless population of Downtown Orlando, give students and families the opportunity to serve locally! For more information about Straight Street, click here.



Students are encouraged to pack a healthy lunch from home but if families prefer, FCA offers lunch ordering from vendors like Dustin's BBQ, Chick-fil-A and Pizza Hut.  



Interested in learning more about the Upper School daily schedule? Click here for a sample of our daily schedule.








Come see for yourself what happens each day in the classroom! Parent volunteers are welcomed.























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